SavingStar - Sign up for SavingStar to save digital grocery coupons directly to your store loyalty cards. These coupons do NOT come off at the register but rather build up in your SavingStar account and then they cut you a check for what you have saved. Cool idea. This means it can be paired with a paper coupon unlike the traditional e-coupon! Double whammy in savings!
Kellogg's Coupons - the only place to really find Kellogg's brand coupons. Sometimes they are great, sometimes they aren't.
Cellfire Coupons - King Soopers, Kroger, Lowes Food, and more! Cellfire works as an e-coupon and printable coupon source. You can load these coupons onto your store loyalty card and they come off automatically at the register. These coupons do not double.
Broke Diet - On a Diet and on a Budget. *Under construction* Recipes with ingredient lists linked directly to the coupons to help you save money while eating healthy! Print your coupons, print your shopping list, and eat great along the way. Who says eating healthy has to be expensive?
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